jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013


Watch the viedo and answer the following questions:

1. What's the name of the ship where the first pilgrims travelled from Europe?
2. What was the reason for their voyage?
3. Who helped them arrange the voyage?
4. What problems did they find while travelling?
5. How long did they take to get to America?
6. Why did they choose Plymouth as their settlement?
7. What problems did they face the first winter?
8. What did the Indians teach the pilgrims?
9. What two American presidents appear in the film?  Why?
10. How do peolpe celebrate this festival nowadays?

domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013


If you want to see some of the ornaments used to decorate our school on Halloween you can look at the photos. They were made by the students in 1st of ESO with the help of Elena (their Arts teacher) and Jennifer (one of our assistants).

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013


Remember, remember, the fitth of November....
Did you know that British people celebrate the night of the 5th Nov. ligthing up bonfires and using fireworks?
Watch the video and answer the following questions:

1. When did the plot happen? 
 2.Who was the king at the time? 
3. How many plotters were there in the gang?
4.  Why did the plotters want to kill him?
5. Where was Fawkes from? 
6. What had he done before the plot? 
7. How many barrels of gunpowder were they going to use to blow up the Parliament?
  8. How were they discovered? 
9. When was this festival first celebrated? 
10. What do people do to enjoy that night? 10.